Local Brewer Kicks Off New Charitable Giving Program: Give20, With 20% of Proceeds Donated to Local Causes
Milwaukee, WI, October 16, 2019—Award-winning Milwaukee craft brewer, Third Space Brewing, has started a new charitable giving program to support local organizations working on Youth Development and Homelessness initiatives.
It is called the Give20 Program and it will include the brewery donating 20% of tap room sales one night per month to local nonprofits. Each month, Third Space will select a new charity partner for a Give20 Night. The goal of the Give20 Night is to help local organizations raise awareness and funds to further support their charitable efforts.
Third Space will host its first Give20 Night October 24th from 4:00-9:00 p.m. at the brewery’s tap room at 1505. W. St. Paul. Ave. in Milwaukee’s Menomonee River Valley. Third Space will donate 20% of the night’s proceeds to Milwaukee County’s Housing First Initiative.
Third Space announced its first Give20 partnership with Housing First at its 3rd Anniversary Party last month. To jump start the Give20 Program, Third Space committed to donate 20% of tap room sales of its 3rd Anniversary Triple IPA, Billy Mumphrey’s Downfall to Housing First. The combined funds from 3rd Anniversary Beer sales and from the upcoming October 24th Give20 Night will be used to help transition residents of the make-shift tent community on the east end of the Menomonee River Valley into permanent housing before winter hits.
Give20 Program Details
Third Space will limit the Give20 Program to two types of charitable organizations to create a greater impact on causes most important to the company’s employees. Those causes are Youth Development and Homelessness.
Third Space Co-Founder and Director of Sales & Marketing, Andy Gehl explained how the brewery chose these two causes: “Our motto at Third Space is that you have your home, you have your work, but everyone needs a ‘third space’. However, it is difficult to enjoy a ‘third space’ if you don’t have a first space, a home. Homelessness is also an issue directly facing our community in the Menomonee River Valley with the tent encampment at the east end of the valley. We want to do our part to help our neighbors there find permanent housing.”
Gehl added: “Youth Development is also very important to us because my co-founder, Kevin Wright, and I met and worked together for many years as summer camp counselors where we witnessed the impact great youth programming can have on a child’s life.”
Organizations that work in these two areas that are interested in partnering with Third Space on the Give20 Program should send an inquiry via the brewery’s donation portal at www.thirdspacebrewing.com/donations.
About Housing First
Milwaukee County Department of Health and Human Services’ Housing First Initiative follows a best practice housing model that prioritizes providing people experiencing homelessness with affordable, independent and permanent housing as quickly as possible without pre-condition. Voluntary, community-based support services are provided as needed. Donations are needed for startup kits to assist individuals with moving into apartments.